Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A New Selling Thread On The WBO Forums!

Click Here To Go To The Selling Thread
So someone just released a new Bey selling thread and sent me a message asking me to post a blog post on it and here it is!
So if you don't have any Beyblades and would like to buy some check out this epic blog post it is pretty nice and it is also cheap! This is the best place to buy a Beyblade if you don't already have one, sure there are many other threads available, but why buy expensive Beyblades when you can buy them for $5-10 dollars! On the thread you can find many things that are being selling and here is a list if your to lazy to read!

Fusion Wheels:
Energy Rings:
Face Bolts

Right Launchers
Japanese Right Launcher+Rip Cord


And Right Rip Cords

Right now very few things are for sale, but the seller hopes to increase them by a ton! (BTW the seller is beycrafter01)
Make sure you check out beycrafter01's profile on his page and I wanted to mention one quick thing we are getting some new authors on this site if you want to be a author contact me! Note this person did contact me telling me to do a blog post about his thread.
Thanks for reading make sure you keep reading!

Written By: AABeyblades/Abdullah Ahmad
The thread can be found by clicking the link at the top of this blog post!

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