Wednesday, October 10, 2012

New Beywheels at Walmart and Images

If you didn't know most major stores have Beywheels and bey wheel stadiums. So I thought why not go to Walmart and check them out.
So here are the images there not much just enjoy

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Beywheelz at Most Major Retailers!

    Have some great news here guys!
Beywheelz have been at most major retailers for a while and lately as i'v been browsing i'v noticed Metal Fury stadiums and also Beywheelz stadiums become available you can many major stores websites to get more info! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Free Beyblade Related GFX!

Whats up bladers! I have a exclusive special here! If you want images please contact me I make backgrounds and signatures and avatars. 
You can find my contact info in the contact me area. Just send me a email or shoot me a Private Message on the WBO forums!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Beyblade Buying Tips!

Hello fellow beybladers! I have some great tips for buying beyblades but before we start let me just tell you why I haven't made many blog posts the reason was I was just so busy! So now lets get started. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Destroyer Dome Is Here!

Finally guys the destroyer dome is here! You can find it at most retailers and I've found it at Walmart, I didn't see any other Metal Fury tops, but I did see the destroyer dome which is quite cool and if I can remember it was 40 dollars. The destroyer dome has been here for quite some time but its the first time i'v seen it locally and i'm pretty sure the bigger towns have already gotten the destroyer dome. Many small towns are receiving metal fury tops a long whiles after the big towns  such as Dallas and New York City and Houston.

Monday, July 16, 2012

WBO Review!

Hello blader in this post i'm going to review the World Beyblade Organization website. A website with good design and nice layout. The WBO is a good looking forum, but who knows whats underneath? Well now let me just tell you my story of joining the website, my experiences, some other people's experiences, and the truth.

Beyblades "R" Us Beyblade Seller!!

I made a post about him a couple of weeks ago, but this time I have some updated information on Beyblades "R" Us. They are a WBO seller who sell many items such as posters, clay models, beyblades, and beyblade parts. Go to his Thread HERE! 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Beywheelz at Toy"R" Us And Other Stores

Are you looking for beywheelz and haven't been able to find them in stores? Well then check out this link!
So Toys"R" US already have the beywheelz and i'm sure some other stores do to but I just wanted to make a quick blog post for people who don't know and read my blog. They have about 8 beywheelz for sale and they also have other beyblades but I only recommend buying from here if you want Beywheelz, but I would buy normal tops from Dimsum2u on WBO , Beycrafter01 and Akiras Daddy. So make sure you check out the Toys"r"us website for beywheelz and the sellers listed above for another beyblade needs

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Metal Fury Released in America!

What up people Beyblade Metal Fury tops are in America now you may be able to find them at your local Walmart or Target and other local super markets! The Anime will come in fall and will have a side series for the Beywheelz which I personally don't like. I also have some images I will show you, but first I just wanted to say what has been released. So far some beywheelz have been released but i'm not sure which ones. Also many Metal Master Beys where transferred to Metal Fury such as Vulcan Horuseas and I think Meteo L Drago, too because it has not been released in a box on its own. And Hasbro won't be using the 4D System which is a big woop! .Click Read More For images!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Beyblade Tournament! (Mclennan County) Texas

Hello Bladers and otherz! I would really like to organize and host a beyblade event in Waco, which is the center of Mclennan County! I tried to on the WBO, but it didn't work out so I tried different means.
Anyone can come that is in the general area and it could be in a park, I think it should be in Hewitt Park, which is in Hewitt but very close to Waco. It would be hosted by me probably or anyone else in the Mclennan County area. We would need the support of the World Beyblade Organization, which we can get later on and the entering fee would be $5 dollars with the Blader Passport. I would really like this idea to go through and become a tournament. The time would have to be 8-12 O' clock (AM), because it is very hot after 12 (AM), or in the afternoon 6-8 PM! So tell me what you think, just message me on my profile on the WBO (AABeyblades)! If you support this idea please comment down  below! Right now we have only 1 person and that is me and hopefully I will get a blader passport for this event and I really can't go out of Mclennan County because my parents can't take me, for time reasons. So I hope this plan goes through!
Please Support me!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

BidVertiser On My Blog

Hey guys, in this short post I just wanted to talk about a off topic thing on my blog.

 That thing is BidVertiser it is basically how I make money on my blog. I added it recently after my Adsense got disabled. It is so much easier and it actually works great and so far i'm really liking it!

Epic Review of Cyclone Herculeo

So I recently got Cyclone Herculeo in the mail! Its a fantastic Beyblade and is one of the best attack Beys. It just blows them up in battle. It sets flame to the battle area! So I would recommend this Beyblade. It spins crazy around the stadium on its Flat Performance Tip. Its low to the ground with the 105 spin track! The cutting blades on its Cyclone metal wheel! Its crazy red design on its Energy Ring is beastly. The face bolt color is truly fantastic with the energy ring (turquoise with red is extreme!)! I overall would recommend the Bey to anyone who doesn't have a good attack or even if you have a good attack still get it. It kills almost every beyblade and if you use the How To Be a Beyblade Master! guide you would be killer in the stadium! If you use this beyblade I would recommend a attack type stadium or a stadium with penalty boxes or booby traps. I have tested this beyblade with many other beys such as Spiral Capricorn and Storm Pegasus and even Twisted Tempo, it performed very highly and almost always won again Spiral Capricorn and Storm Pegasus, the only reason it wouldn't win against Twisted Tempo is because Twisted Tempo has way more stamina than Cyclone Herculeo, but it didn't lose by a long shot! So I would recommend Cyclone Herculeo 105HF to any blader who needs a attack type or even just something really good! Overall I would buy 2 more of these just for the Cyclone wheels and Flat performance tips!
Thanks For Reading!

Fantastic Seller!

Anybody in need of beyblades? Well why don't you check out dimsum2u! He is one of the best sellers and is a authorized seller on the WBO so he is a safe seller to buy from. I would recommend him for his large inventory and his cheap prices. Dimsum2u offers free shipping and a couple of dollars extra for tracking.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cheap Beyblades!

Recently a seller contacted me about his selling thread and what they have! So the seller was Beycrafter01 and I recently made a blog post with a little detail about him and so this blog post is going to be all about him and what he does and sells! So lets get straight to the point!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Top Notch Beyblade Sellers!

Hey, where do you buy beyblades? Many people buy them from there local stores, but what if your local stores don't sell what you need or don't have any Beyblades? Well why don't you try ordering them off Amazon? Well I have a better idea why don't you buy from these very nice and friendly sellers!

Friday, June 15, 2012

My YouTube Channel!

If you haven't checked out my YouTube channel I insist you check it out now! I've been running it for a while and this blog was actually made for the YouTube channel. I first got the idea for this blog after I figured out that I can give ya'll more information about beyblades! So I also recently added a few new videos to my YouTube channel and there pretty awesome if you haven't seen them. I also learned how to add really cool effects to them! Click Here To Watch My Latest Video!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

New Blog!!!

I recently started up a new blog! Its for a friend of mine who is going to be selling Beys check it out here! I'm still working on the blog and i'll need some people to help me out the blog has just started out and has very little page views. Help me out by visiting the blog it is overall a blog I made in a quick amount of time and i'm still working on it a lot! So check it out yet again!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A New Selling Thread On The WBO Forums!

Click Here To Go To The Selling Thread
So someone just released a new Bey selling thread and sent me a message asking me to post a blog post on it and here it is!

Monday, June 11, 2012

World BeyBlade Organization Forum (WBO Forum)

Have you heard of the World Beyblade Organization forums? Well if you haven't you can find a link here: and up on the page tabs! On the website you can talk to other bladers through different ways such as PM and forum posts. You can also buy Beyblades through the bey marketplace forum (I prefer it more than Amazon or because of cheaper prices). You can also do various other things like ask questions on the forum about Beyblades, ask people to build you a combo, and organize a tournament. It is a also a international website so tournaments are held all over the world (Must have a Bey Passport to compete or pay entree fee) . I usually use the website to find good combos for my parts and to ask questions and buy Beyblades (Usually Takara Tomy Beyblades). 

Thanks for Reading

(Soon where getting a new author on the blog!)
Written By: AABeyblades/Abdullah Ahmad
WBO Username: AABeyblades

Saturday, June 9, 2012

How To Be a BeyBlade Master!

To be a BeyBlade Master it takes training just like everything else, but these tips and tricks well help boost that training! So lets get started shall we!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Updates To My Blog!!

Hey I just made some new updates to my blog! I added a few new pages and I will be adding new pages.
The newest page I've just added is the Bey Download page, on the page you can find stuff like BeyBlade wallpapers, images, and different downloadable content. I will also be adding a new Bey Links page, various links like the BeyBlade Battles website, WBO website, and links to different YouTube channels associated with BeyBlades like mine and itris2 will be on the page! I also added a Chat Box page where you can chat with everybody on the page (I might also add the chat box in a small version in the side bar or on the bottom of the page, so tell me where you want it)! I also added a page where you can directly go to my channel or the WBO website. I made a few color changes on the website and i'v also changed the text and I will be changing the background image later and I've made a few tweaks on the side bar. I would also like you guys to state your opinion in the comments and give me some new ideas of what I should do to this website!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

List Of Epic Beys I Wanna Buy!!!

So this is gonna be a long list of Beys I wanna get!

The reason I want the Bey is under it!

Metal Fusion Beys:

Burn FireBlaze
-Its a great stamina bey and the owner of the beyblade in the anime is cool! (Ginga's Dad)
Thermal Pisces
-Just Freakin Awesome
Earth Eagle
-Very Cool
Storm Aquario
-Need Aquario

Metal Masters Beys:

Vulcan Horuseus
-Nile from the Anime is awesome and freakin fantastic bey!
Ultimate Gravity Destroyer Attack
-Nice coloring and strong
Ultimate Meteo L-Drago Assault
-Nice variation of Meteo L-Drago
Meteo L-Drago
-Ryuga is awesome and to go with Galaxy Pegasus
Ray Gil
-Don't have Ray fusion wheel or Gil energy ring
Twisted Tempo
-Heaviest Metal Masters Beyblade
Spiral/Screw Capricorn
-Don't have Capricorn energy ring or Spiral fusion wheel
Gravity Destroyer
-Mode Switch
Hades/Hell Kerbecs
-Gold coloring is very cool
Poison Zurafa
-Don't have Poison fusion wheel or spin track or Performance Tip
Ultimate Meteo L-Drago Absorb
-Has the true power of Meteo L-Drago (energy absorb)
Flame Byxis
-Tall Beyblade
Evil Befall
-Pretty Peacock
Cyclone Hercule
-Don't have any of the parts

Beyblade Metal Fury Beys:

Phantom Orion
-Epic fusion wheel!!
Diablo Nemesis
-Strongest Beyblade and Heaviest
Big Bang Pegasus
-Ginga's Beyblade and final drive
L-Drago Destroy
Vari Ares
-Performance Tip Switch-ability 
Kreis Cygnus
-Mode Switch
Flash Sagittario 
-Don't have any Sagittario energy ring
Fang Leone
-Kyoya's Bey
Beat Lynx
-Like Libra
Jade Jupitar
-Mode Switch

Zero G's

Samurai Ifraid
-Pure Epicness
Shinobi Salamander
-Very Awesome

Thats the list Metal Masters was the longest and most of these I just really want because I don't have the energy ring or fusion wheel or I really like the color or name!

Thanks For Reading

Can't Wait For Metal Fury!

Who else can't wait for the English dubbed episodes for Beyblade Metal Fury? Its going to air in English Fall 2012, hopefully it gets released before then. Cause if it doesn't i'm gonna be bored almost all summer vacation unless I can get my hands on some Zero G Beyblades or some Metal Fury which are about $ 10-40. If you have any websites where I can buy them cheap post it in the comments!

Beyblade Battle Shirt
Buy this cool beyblade shirt!

Buy The Latest BeyBlades!

Hey check out this link if you want to buy some new beyblades like Shinobi Salamander or Samurai Ifraid!
Enjoy! And check out these beyblade items too!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

All BeyBlade Metal Masters Episodes!

Hey have you seen all the Metal Masters in English?
Well if you haven't here is a link to a YouTube channel with all the episodes!

My New Rock Zurafa

Check out my new Rock Zurafa got it today for 9.98! (At HEB)

What Are BeyBlades?

Have you ever asked the question what are beyblades, or ever wondered what one is and no one ever told you? Or are you just seeing what I have to say about beyblades?
To me beyblades are a game, a past-time, a thing I do with friends, a hobby, a collection, and much much more. I first started collecting BeyBlades at the age of 7 or 8 there where my favorite thing to do and they where so much fun to play with and they still are (but my mom threw away my old beyblades ERGH!). So beyblades are sorta important but If I didn't have beyblades I would be freakishly bored and have nothing to do most of the time. So that is what I think of beyblades. Oh and to answer your question beyblades are spinning metal or plastic top.

Thanks For Reading

The First Ever Post!

Hey whats up
      I just started up this blog to go with my YouTube channel! So say Hello to my blog!
So stay reading for more interesting stuff on beyblades, my channel, and a little more!

Thanks for Reading!

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