Saturday, June 9, 2012

How To Be a BeyBlade Master!

To be a BeyBlade Master it takes training just like everything else, but these tips and tricks well help boost that training! So lets get started shall we!

The First Tip: Know Your Parts
So the first tip is know your parts! If your know your attack type fusion wheels from your defense type that will surely help boost your knowledge and skill. So if its a low profile, half a inch big spin track its mostly likely a attack type and if its something long its probably a stamina or defense. Let says your fusion wheels has rough edges, what would that be good for...? It would be good for attacking your opponent murderously without mercy. So the next thing to know a ton about is your performance tip, its very important so pick a good one! Most of the time a rubber flat performance tip or a RF tip would be good for friction and attack type beys but a pointed thin tip would be good for stamina. A wide ball or a ball shaped tip would be good for defense. If you where to divide your bey parts equally like a any energy ring, beastly attack fusion wheel, long spinning stamina spin track, and a good defense tip you would have a balance bey, but remember fusion wheel and performance tip are the MOST IMPORTANT!!

The Second Tip: Know Your Opponent's BeyBlade
Now its time for the second tip! So as you can see by the title you can tell what this section is about. If you know your opponent's BeyBlade you can easily counter it! Lets say your opponent picks a defense, what would you do? I would pick a stamina type BeyBlade, like Night Virgo to out spin it (Remember defense type beys may also be good in stamina so pick a really good stamina bey!)! Now lets say your opponent picks a stamina type bey what would you do now???? Well let me just tell you what to do... If the opponent does pick a stamina you might also pick a stamina but the outcome of that is just a really long battle and a lot of suspense and wait and its a 50% you actually do win, so I insist on attack because stamina type BeyBlades are usually not that heavy and are very easy to hit into a booby trap.]If its a tall BeyBlade like a unedited straight out the box beyblade like Flame Libra, many Beys can get under it and attack with great force causing it to teeter over and hitting the stadium floor (This may happen with a lot of stamina beys as they are not very heavy and are not build to defend but are built to spin). Next up is balance and attack! So know your opponent's picked a balance... You know the rest from here you pick another balance just hope yours is better because many balance types are better in one thing so pick the opposite of that thing like how defense and stamina are opposite attack, but remember defense is better than attack and attack is better than stamina and stamina is better than defense.

The Third Tip: Know The Stadium
Okay so know that you know your BeyBlade you need to know your stadium!! So many Hasbro stadiums are the same with different color schemes but lets say you have the Lighting L-Drago stadium for the first example. So a Lighting L-Drago stadium would be a attack type stadium because of the huge spinning space and 2 booby traps on the sides, the reason is that many attack type beys spin in huge circles and slowly come in and also because attack type beys push other beys into booby traps! I would recommend something would stay in the middle of the stadium while the attack type is circling around, but yet again remember your opponent can easily counter this by launching there bey with a sliding shot (I will explain a sliding shot in the next section). Now lets talk about some other Hasbro like the Graffiti Den Stadium. This stadium is great for defense Beys because there is no booby traps and attack type Beys have less space to move so they will get caught on the slope or hit the stadium walls a ton, but this could also be a bad while the attack type Bey is having trouble moving around it may hit other Beys while it is moving around. Now its time for the Red Graffiti Den Stadium (I forgot the name so lets just call it that). The Red stadium is very little different from the Blue Graffiti Den Stadium because it has a tiny little hole type structure at the top of the big slope. Takara Tomy stadiums are generally very different from Hasbro stadiums because they don't have a cool name and aren't really painted in a really cool manner either. I want to talk about 3 stadiums in particular the Attack Stadium, the new Zero G, and the one that spins in the middle (Forgot the name). The first one is self explanatory and is supposed to be used with attack types and defense types (Not stamina, remember stamina is light and gets bounced around a lot). So next we have the Zero G stadium that all wobbles and stuff and tips over (You do know what i'm talking about right?). That stadium would be extremely horrible for heavy Beys like Twisted Tempo Or Diablo Nemesis because they would just fall out the booby traps on the bottom because of weight it would also make it wobble extremely hard and would most likely cause its self to stadium out (I'm not a expert on this stadium). The next on i'm also not a expert on and that is the one with the yellow spinney thing in the middle that spins!! So this one would be good for attack because it would dramatically increase the power of the Bey! That is all for this section, now scroll down down and down for the next section!

Launching Techniques
There are many launching techniques, but 2 in particular I want to talk about. Those are the sliding shoot and another one which i'll reveal later on (MORE SUSPENSE?)! So the first one is the sliding shoot what this technique is for are the Beys that stay in the middle and are impossible to get with attack types Beys. This technique helps your attack Bey make contact with a defense or stamina bey. Now if you were to normal shoot in a Bey your launcher would be parallel to the stadium floor. To do the sliding shoot make your launcher parallel to the slope of the stadium (This is called banking) and when you Let It Rip move your launcher forward to create more force and the sliding shoot. The sliding shoot makes your Bey go in tiny circles or in rose shaped spins(Great for hitting the Defense type beys right at the beginning) . Now time for one of the best techniques ever!!! This technique may be very hard to perform, but will sometimes KO the opponent on contact! I have not named this technique (I don't remember the name and don't know what to call it). So how this works is right when you launch in your Bey you attack your opponent. To make this legal in a valid BeyBlade tournament you have to release it during Let It Rip. Most people release there Bey when the referee, BeyBlade DJ or whoever is reffing says Let, but if you release it during Rip your BeyBlade will go in a split second after there and hopefully hitting it for a direct hit. YOU REALLY NEED TO AIM THIS TECHNIQUE FOR BEST EFFECT! That my last tip!

I will be making a video of this later so if you don't like reading i'm making the video. I will make a video for each individual technique and each Tip.

Long Posted Isn't it?

Thanks For Reading Though!

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